

For each project, TOOL ALFA organizes the team on an ad hoc basis and assigns the necessary human and material resources under the co-ordination of a Project Manager. Any project of a certain complexity may require a team and a sophisticated organization scheme. However, it will always be carried out under a clear task assignment.

Human resources

Consulting is a service very sensitive to the methodology used and to the quality of the professionals behind it. TOOL ALFA has a group of noteworthy specialists, who have a thorough knowledge of the most recent techniques. This knowledge often includes the use of specific software for a particular task.

The management team has proven experience with previous careers lasting several years at multinational companies, in government agencies or at other consulting firms. TOOL ALFA always guarantees that any staff assigned to the job will have sufficient expertise and technical skills to undertake and complete the tasks assigned according to the specifications. 

Material Resources

TOOL ALFA uses the latest technical software available on the market such as TransCAD, Cube, TransModeller, Biogeme, etc. In addition, we have very specialized data collection equipments such as traffic counters with pneumatic technology, traffic counters based on radar technology, high-definition video cameras, etc.

When it comes to information storage security, TOOL ALFA has a daily backup system with remote storage of copies for up to one month. In addition, the facilities are equipped with a double access security system with two independent alarm centres.

Quality Policy

TOOL ALFA has developed a Comprehensive Management System that includes four coordinated subsystems:

  • The Quality Management System has been ISO 9001 certified since 2002. It covers the design, the development, the production, the implementation and the after-sales service. The Quality Management System supports all TOOL ALFA ´S operations. It is applicable to all areas of the company and its entire staff.

  • The Environmental Management System is ISO 14001 certified. It is integrated within the Quality Management System with a full range of objectives, goals and indicators that control the process of environmental improvement.

  • The Social Responsibility System has its documentary support in the Annual Social Responsibility Report. Since 2008, this report has recorded yearly commitments and performance indicators.

  • The Occupational Risk Prevention System is an instrument for the integration of preventive activity at all the processes of the company and in the organization of work. It includes, among others, risk assessment and the establishment of preventive measures and safety standards, as well as periodic monitoring mechanisms.